Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic we have brought to you, through our Foundations magazine, email bulletins and news articles, many stories of how our connected churches have adapted to what is now a very new and different “normal”. In a similar vein, we at CGT also needed to adapt our way of working to ensure that we could continue to be there for our occupying churches, providing our services. This has taken on two forms.
Our Office
In March 2020 our office staff moved their equipment out of the office and into their homes. Ways of communication had to be rethought and, with the wonders of modern technology and online IT systems that had already been put in place to streamline our property management, a new way of working evolved. It has been a learning curve for everyone, but all our staff feel that we have come out of this process with a more efficient way of working and, most importantly, we have been able to be there for our connected churches through what has been a testing time. Our Operations Director, Garryl Willis, reflected “considering the restrictions that have been in place over the last 18 months, I have been massively encouraged in what we at CGT have been able to achieve remotely. Being back together in one place with the beautiful countryside surroundings will enable further progress to be made whilst enjoying the regular flavoured coffee and biscuits!!”
We took on a new architect, Jonny Heaney, in September 2020 who had to wait a year to be able to meet his work colleagues face to face. He says “Video conferencing on Microsoft Teams has been a very useful tool in getting to know the staff, but it is really nice to be able to meet with everyone in person. My dog is certainly going to miss his ‘walk-on appearances’ on screen though!”

We have now returned to our new Covid-safe office, with hand sanitiser dispenser, reconfigured office layout to allow for social distancing and wearing of masks. We have become very used to working virtually over the last year, communicating via Teams video meetings and calls but there is nothing quite like being together in person. Elaine Roberts says “It has definitely been a year like never before! I have valued the use of Teams to stay in touch with other team members via its video conferencing facility and I have appreciated meeting each morning to pray for all the churches and also for one another; this has been a real blessing to me”
Our Trustees
Church Growth Trust’s trustees have continued valiantly all through the pandemic to meet for full Board meetings and for Sub-Committees, but all of these have been on Teams. It has worked well in terms of them not having to travel around the country and they have all adapted to the new technology. The last Board meeting was held in person, not in CGT’s offices, but in a local conference centre, to allow for social distancing, which concluded with a BBQ. It was a memorable occasion to spend time together. As Neil Walker our chairman says, “there is something special about being in the same room when important matters are being discussed. It allows for a much freer discussion, and everyone feels they are fully participating”.

The next meeting of the trustees is an overnight strategy meeting in October. “We are so grateful for our trustees and their commitment to the work of CGT, giving their time sacrificially” says Giles Arnold CGT’s Chief Executive.