Secure Document Storage

Secure Document Storage

Church Growth Trust holds, in secure and fire-proof storage, the property and charity deeds for churches and charities across the UK. Many property trustees and charities have lost their deeds through theft, fire or even forgetting where the deeds have been stored. It is helpful for all the property deeds and other documents, including accounts, minutes and building plans to be stored in one place where they are secure and catalogued. As many trustees use our Trust Deeds advice, it is also beneficial for them to keep their deeds in our storage.

Documents stored in our Secure Document Storage will be scanned and stored on-line and made available to you through a secure web site, allowing you easily to view and download any documents.

Find out more – Documents Storage Service. 

Click on the image above to login into DocSafe

If you require further information or wish to use our Secure Document Storage Service please contact: Mandy Harris on 01536 647160 or