factor projects are those where dedicated people with an X factor in who they are and how they operate produce a building with an X factor impact. The Kingsbury project is one such. A visit to the property reveals how a modest yet well-designed extension has been transformative in a way that goes beyond the simple adding of space. The Church Growth Trust architect, Gill Pedler, by her skillful use of line, space and light designed a space which is not only multi-functional but also enhances both the existing building and what it provides but also the visual amenity of the area and the positive visual impact of the building.

When you stand in the space created there is a palpable sense of enjoyment and wonder which is essential for a place of worship but of course that feeds into the works of service and love that also take place.
The people who built this space, Beno and Coste, and the project manager, CGT’s Jonny Heaney, also had an X factor. In addition to their being followers of Jesus, they also added to the project investing themselves, their efforts and their ideas into creating the best space that they could. And it shows in the quality of the finishes, the optimal use of space and the tiny alterations that they suggested and implemented as the project went forward.

Finally, there is the X factor of those using the building. They too have invested themselves thoroughly in the project from providing a point of contact, Clive Burrows, on site throughout the build phase, to Leader David Straughton agreeing a letting of an area for a Nursery and facilitating alterations to make that space as good as it could be through to responding, through Errol Breda and the church, with a complete redecoration and refresh of the premises and other complementary work to the building so that it has the X factor being much more than the sum of all the parts. Ultimately the projects with the X factor are those where we see God is in control, that He is to be worshipped, that He can be trusted, that His timing is perfect and that He can be trusted through the ups and downs of a project’s creation and delivery.