A lot has happened in the last 10 years

It was 10 years ago that Church Growth Trust merged with the Midland Evangelization Trust.  April 2012 was a significant date for Church Growth Trust (CGT), as having been approached by the Midland Evangelization Trust (MET), it was decided that the two charities would merge.     

CGT Chairman, Neil Walker, is ideally suited to provide the background story to the merger.  His father, Ray Walker, faithfully served as MET Secretary for many years.  “Once my father retired, we found it impossible to fill the role.  Regulations and legislation were becoming increasingly complex and as trustees, we were struggling.  We approached CGT as we needed to find people who had the expertise and time to manage our properties.”  Almost immediately, Neil began to see the benefits for many of the local fellowships which occupied properties previously managed by MET.  

“One church had some serious building issues which CGT staff were able to make very much easier to deal with.  At another site they were helping with problems which had arisen around repairs and building work, where, frankly, MET would have been at a complete loss.  Had we not merged with CGT, the reality is that we would have had to close some of our buildings.  It’s been wonderful to see fellowships blossoming and growing because of the work we do together.” 

The last 10 years have seen a lot of changes and clear evidence of God’s blessings.  Ruth Leigh reports on some of those changes in an article in our spring edition of the Foundations magazine.  If you are not already on our mailing for the magazine and would like to read about this and many other encouraging stories, as well as helpful information on practical matters from discipleship to Building Regulations, please either complete the form in this link or email us on enquiries@churchgrowth.org.uk.