Praying for God’s wisdom as we continue to grow

Church Growth Trust (CGT) moved to the present offices five years ago and has just agreed to a renewal of the lease for a further year. This will give the team time to work out what we need for the medium-term, as our team continues to grow. 

Since taking on the lease in 2018, CGT has grown from a team of five to a team of nine and has reached capacity for the space. As Giles Arnold, CGT’s Chief Executive says, “This is a great problem to have. We are taking on more staff so we can offer better services to our occupying churches and clients and helping to ensure they continue in Gospel use for the future.”   

The two most recent additions to the team are Gary Anderson, our Building Surveyor, and Sharon Short, our Communications Manager. Gary is working for three days per week helping Jonny Heaney, our Architect, with the many building projects he is managing. He is also conducting condition surveys in both newly owned and existing CGT properties. We are now providing this service as part of our standard tenancy agreement to help occupying churches manage building repairs and to keep up to date with compliance issues relating to the use of the building. It fulfils CGT’s aim to ensure our buildings are as fit as possible for their God-given purpose. 

Gary Anderson – Building Surveyor
Sharon Short – Communications Manager

Sharon has been helping CGT as a consultant for the last few years and is now working for two days per week to help communicate our services to others. This is particularly important when we are trying to ensure that independent evangelical church properties are safeguarded for future Gospel use. Sharon will be spending half of her time speaking with churches across the country to find out how they are doing, what help they might need and making sure we stay connected with the right people. 

As Giles says, “It is exciting to have Gary and Sharon onboard and to see the impact they are already making within our team and with churches. We are praying for wisdom to know what office accommodation we need that will allow for both the expanding team and to help us improve on the services we are able to bless churches with.”