New E-booklet on church revitalisation

Church Growth Trust (CGT) continues to work with GLO, Counties and Partnership, to help churches to start growing again and continue proclaiming the Gospel in their communities.  To explain how a brand new “Growing church – church revitalisation project” e-booklet is now available at

Giles Arnold, Chief Executive at CGT and Chairman of the Revitalisation Operations Team, explains why it has been updated.  “Since we brought out the original booklet and launched the project, we have been privileged to work with a number of churches and to watch them grow and develop. Some people only think about “revitalisation” when it’s too late and they have already become too small and weak to be revitalised.  They require resuscitation or resurrection!  We have improved the booklet because we think it’s better to encourage churches to engage with the project at an earlier stage.  We want to speak to them when they have problems but can still see a way through them.  These issues are often elderly leaders, a dwindling and ageing congregation and a lack of younger members and leaders.  If left unchecked, this will lead to the church having to close.  When addressed through our Church Health Checks and mentoring inputs, that church can be taken on a whole new journey of revitalisation.”

Giles emphasises that the church has to be prepared to go through challenges and changes if they truly want their future to be bright and start growing again.

To read the full article on this click here.