Since Church Growth Trust, along with our sister organisations (GLO, Partnership and Counties), produced a booklet on Church Revitalisation last autumn we have seen 20 churches express an interest in revitalisation. They have been connected with local advisers from Partnership and Counties to review their situation and in many cases carry out a formal “Church Check”. Some have decided not to proceed or are in need of replanting or possibly closing, but we are hoping that at least five, and possibly up to 10 will proceed with the Revitalisation Project. This would normally involve an adviser working with them over a few years and, where required, a worker being part funded to develop the church’s ministry.

Church Growth Trust is delighted to be involved in the Revitalisation Project and to be working with our sister organisations to see independent evangelical churches across the UK come alive, as the Lord revives them.
If you are interested in receiving a copy of the booklet “Church Revitalisation – ways to growth”, please contact us on 01536 201339 or