Committed Christian. Architect, Architectural Technologist or Building Surveyor
To do what?
Unique opportunity to join Church Growth Trust’s team to provide design and surveying services to clients and CGT’s own occupying churches to assist churches to achieve growth and make best use of their resources. The range of work will be diverse, from small alterations to major building projects to transform church properties
From September 2020 (subject to Covid-19 restrictions being lifted). Applications to be received by Friday 17 July 2020
Shared vision for our work
Apply for job profile and application form:
Church Growth Trust
The Barn, Baines Lane
Seaton, Oakham LE15 9HP
Tel: 01536 201339
Email: garryl.willis@churchgrowth.org.uk
Call to talk about: Garryl Willis (Operations Director) on 01536 647161.