The main church insurers have been helpful in offering additional cover for church properties that have been empty during the Lockdown. With regard to your public liability insurance, it is important that you speak with your insurance provider to see if there are any particular measures that you need to put in place.
As churches consider reopening, it is essential they adhere to the Government advice and guidelines. Edwards Insurance who specialise in church insurance and arranged our church block property insurance earlier this year have provided the quotes below for guidance.
“We cannot stress enough that when churches re-open, Insurer and Government advice and guidelines must be followed – Not only in respect of insurance claims but mainly for the safety of the congregation and wider community.”
“Of course the guidelines are issued to help people understand what best practice looks like and how they might best help each other. A blatant disregard for hygiene, distancing etc – such as not leaving gaps between seats and rows (by say taping them off) – would potentially be seen as not taking reasonable care. But an inadvertent error – missed cleaning something despite an otherwise well organised programme may well not be taken as a formal breach of the duty of care and the insurance would not be affected. It’s all about reasonableness in following the guidelines.”
For more information and guidance about opening up your church building check out our recent briefing paper ‘Coming out of Covid-19 – opening up church buildings for worship’
For further information from Ansvar’s Covid-19 updates click here.