Charity and Governance advice

Charity formation and registration

We can give guidance and general advice on charity formation and registration. It may be appropriate for the church/assembly, as a separate charity from an existing property Trust, to formalise the charity. With some of our sister organisations, we have created a foundation model Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) for leader/elder-led churches/assemblies to use. This can be found here. It is free to download and there is also a guide to its use. 

The guide gives contact details for solicitors that are prepared to help with the registration. Charity registration takes place online and you need to have several documents in place before you register. We do not do charity formation work ourselves, but we would recommend that you use a solicitor to help you, as there are a number of pitfalls in the process.

We have worked with the following organisations:

Trusteeship responsibilities

As trustees of a charity, you have to understand charity law and what your responsibilities are as a trustee. We have produced the briefing paper “Good practice for charity trustees” to help you, which can be found here.

If you are interested in this service, please contact Mandy Harris on 01536 201339 or

If you are interested in our other services, please contact Garryl Willis on 01536 647161 or