The benefits of a Property Book

Looking after the practical side of running a church property can be a demanding task. This is why we produced the booklet, Your Guide to Running Church Premises.

Part of the problem can often lie in being able to lay your hands on the last Gas Inspection Certificate or an up to date copy of the Asbestos Survey of the property or the Fire Risk Assessment! These are very important documents to have to hand which is why we now provide all our occupying churches with a Property Book. It is an index with dividers of the key property matters which need to be up to date and is designed to be easily put into a Lever Arch file. It helps those looking after the property to ensure they have everything covered and the documents in one place.

We ask our tenants to keep the Property Book at the property so that anyone can have access to documents, especially in emergencies, and everyone then knows where the Property Book is. In this way looking after a property is made less daunting and all matters relating to the use of the property are covered.