Planning permission success – November 2020

Planning permission has now been granted for the proposed works at Elmsleigh Hall, Leigh-on-Sea. The scheme proposal was to remove the existing rear ‘lean-to’ at the rear of the property which was rather unsightly and in bad repair and to replace this with a substantial modern single storey extension which will function as a meeting room and a space for children’s work for the church.

Internal reconfigurations will also see the provision of a fully compliant accessible WC, along with a new accessible level-access glazed door to the south elevation into an entrance lobby which is sized to accommodate a wheelchair tuning circle, granting onwards accessibility to the rest of the building. An additional WC is also being provided within the existing main entrance lobby to the front of the building.

Securing planning permission for the project involved constructive dialogue and working alongside the Planning Case Officer to amend the scheme design from the previous application to address the items which had previously been raised as area of concern, arriving at a solution which was fully acceptable in Planning terms and still aligned with all of the requirements of the church.