A recurring theme in the Bible is to persevere and not give up. In Luke 18 Jesus specifically talks about this in relation to prayer. The ministry of Church Growth Trust (CGT) is soaked in prayer and often we find ourselves having to return to the throne again and again over some issues.
One of these occasions has been with a property that is held on trusteeship by CGT in the Yorkshire ex-mining village of Skellow, near Doncaster. The property, a pre-fab gospel hall on a large plot of land right in the centre of the village, is vacant. After a number of attempts to find a new church to occupy it, we could have taken the easy option of the selling the site. However, we believe it is vital that this property is kept for Gospel use.
There is no other church in Skellow and a small and not particularly active Anglican church in the neighbouring village of Carcroft. With an overall population of almost 8,500 people, without an effective Gospel witness, CGT is prepared to take the longer view of holding on to the property and continuing to make enquiries both locally and through the national networks of churches, until we find the person or people that God is raising up to serve and reach this needy community. Please pray with us!