Spellow Lane Church in Liverpool has recently been gifted to Church Growth Trust (CGT). When roofing contractors were repairing a leak in the valley gutter at the property, they noticed the capping stones on the gable end had moved and were in danger of pushing the large corbel stone off the building. This could not be seen from the ground, so it was providential that it was spotted when it was. Church Growth Trust were able to advise the church on the best options for making the roof safe and to do this in the most cost-effective way.

Although responsibility for repairs lies with the occupying church, CGT, with its property and architectural experience, is often able to give advice to churches to help them carry out work in the most practical and beneficial way. As John Duffield, CGT’s Property Manager, says: “We are keen for our occupying churches to talk to us at an early stage when work to the building is being considered, as we try to help them think through the best solutions and the wider issues around the work. It is all part of our positive approach to working with churches.”