Harvesting generosity: sharing the bounty with foodbanks

You may remember your church harvest festivals with fruit and vegetables being decoratively presented in baskets and at the chosen time in the meeting being gathering together for all to see in a display at the front. There is an air of joy and gratitude, a sense of togetherness and purpose, as we prepare to honour the harvest and the hard work that has brought it to fruition.

As the harvest season unfolds, the abundance of crops and produce offers an opportunity for communities to come together and share with those in need. It has never been easier for everyone to contribute by donating a portion of their harvest or surplus produce to food banks, shelters, or community outreach programmes.

So, if you are wondering what to do differently this year as you lead up to harvest, why not consider blessing and resourcing your local food bank.

The Trussell Trust have prepared some harvest resources, including for churches and for school assemblies with a faith basis. These will include guidance on how to collect food.

In the meantime, you may find the church support pages on their website useful: https://www.trusselltrust.org/get-involved/church-support/.