If you read the national press you might think the church is in terminal decline, with the traditional churches closing by the hundreds.
However, the story we see at Church Growth Trust (CGT) is very different. Although we are aware of many small fellowships closing, we are also aware of many churches growing and new churches being planted. We are privileged to help closing assemblies pass on the baton to other newer churches that are growing and are desperate for a building, to act as a base for their effective outreach to their local communities. See the Lease of life stories article. We are also involved with projects that are putting old (and often redundant) church buildings back into Gospel use. Our retiring Chairman Leslie Lucas points out in his article, the work of CGT continues to grow.
Starting with two part-time staff working from my dining room in 2010, we now have a strong team to cope with the plans the Lord has for us in the years ahead. I am personally extremely grateful to Leslie for his wisdom and clarity of vision, as he has steered us through these foundational years and I praise God for the blessings and promises of the Lord, who is faithful in sustaining and providing for us and this vital ministry of keeping church buildings for Gospel use and making them fit for purpose as places of worship and outreach for the alive and growing 21st century church.
Putting church buildings back into Gospel use
Is leadership a biblical virtue?
Catch the vision – changes with Church Planting Initiative
May the Lord encourage you in your work.
Yours in His service
Giles Arnold
Chief Executive of Church Growth Trust