Looking to the future – story one

Church Growth Trust (CGT) works hard to ensure that their properties are fit for their God-given purpose. When improvements need to be made, the team are on hand to advise and support those making the changes. Ruth Leigh takes up the story of two recent building projects carried out in conjunction with CGT. 

On a busy road in the North London Borough of Whetstone, Oakleigh Community Church (OCC) was planted nearly 20 years ago. In a time when there is widespread concern about dwindling congregations, this church is a real success story. Working in partnership with CGT, they embarked on a building project which has doubled their auditorium capacity and helped them to continue to reach out into the community. OCC minister, Mike Pavlou, takes up the story.  

“We have been talking for many years about improving the building. As time went on, we outgrew the worship area and we wanted our church building to be more welcoming for our community. We prayed over it and waited on God, and started work at the end of September last year. CGT have been amazing, helping us to restructure our lease, giving us a grant and always being on hand to support and advise us. Building projects can be stressful, but CGT have bent over backwards to help and accommodate us. They bought into our vision, they are excited by it and wanted to see it happen Praise God! 

To read more of this article click on our Foundations magazine below and you can continue on pages 4-7


Foundations Spring 2021